How to Recognize a Person with a Poor Mindset
A lot of people claim that the difference between the rich and the poor is only related to the mindset so in this article I will show you the characteristics of a mindset that keep you poor.
Misses the old day
Most of the time people with a poor mindset don’t live in the present but you often hear them say that they miss the days when their life was better.It is normal during life to have ups and downs, but the important thing is not to be defeated by these downs and they are just a springboard to climb higher.
Fears changes
People with poor midset are very afraid of changes in their lives. So they end up working at a job they hate, they are in toxic relationships precisely because they don’t have the courage to take a step in their life.I honestly don’t know a person I consider rich who hasn’t made major changes in their life before earning that money.
Never likes to learn
A poor midset makes you think you have learned enough and have enough knowledge so that you don’t need to learn anything.Well think Warren Buffett at 93 years old reads on average about 4 hours every day. Is it a coincidence that he is one of the richest people on the planet?